Aundrea Sams


Momentum Lab


from visual import *

from visual.graph import *

scene.y = 400 # move animation window down 400 pixels from top of screen

track = box(pos=vector(0,-.05, 0), size=(1.0, 0.05, .10))

cart = box(pos=vector(-0.5,0,0), size=(0.1, 0.04, 0.06),

cart.m = 0.80

cart.p = cart.m*vector(0.7, .1, 0)

mgraph = gcurve(color=color.cyan)

cart.trail = curve(

deltat = 0.01

t = 0

while t<3.0:

    cart.pos = cart.pos + (cart.p/cart.m)*deltat

    t = t + deltat


    Fnet = vector(-0.4, 0, 0)

    cart.p = cart.p + Fnet*deltat

    mgraph.plot( pos=(t, cart.p.x) )

    #print "t=", t, "cart.p=", cart.p



(1) Using the printed list of momentum vectors, calculate p v Δ . That is, pick one of the vectors to be the final

momentum, and subtract from it the vector just above it, which is the initial momentum:

Δp = p f pi =

-.508+.504 = -.004

-.004/.01 = -.4


(2) Calculate the vector F Δt net

F Δt  = <-.4,0,0>



(3) Do your calculations show that the change in momentum p v Δ is equal to F Δt net


Yes, because -.4 = -.4

(4) Look at the printed list of momentum vectors again. Why aren’t the y or z components of the momentum


Since there is no force in the y or z direction, there cannot be any change in momentum. F Δt  =Δp